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​Learn Sales and Digital Marketing for Free

Growth Skills is a learning platform built to help youEarn While you Learn.

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Learn digital skills to grow your career and business

Free Micro-Learning

Watch free short videos to learn the basics and keep up with digital trends

Paid Courses

Take full paid courses in SEO, Paid Search entrepreneurship and more.


When you purchase a paid course we give a membership to educate someone in need.

Earn While You Learn

Become an Apprentice and unlock full time job placement and paid projects

Badges & Certifications

Unlock badges as you learn, earn skills and get certifications.

earn Points

​Earn points and use them to pay for special courses and other things.

Click Below to Watch Video

​Top Digital Marketing Courses

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​Course Pricing Plans




  • ​​Unlimited Microlearning
  • ​​Free courses
  • Community access & help
  • ​​Full Profile
  • ​​Some badges
  • ​​Potential job Placement
  • ​​​Full ​access to paid courses
  • ​​​Exercise files & templates
  • ​​​Full badges
  • ​​​Certifications
  • ​​Apprenticeship:Earn while you Learn
  • ​​Mentorship

​Who Is A Good Fit For GrowthSkills?


  • ​You are looking to get rewarded while you learn
  • ​You are looking to unlock paid projects
  • ​You like learning with a supportive community
  • ​You like high quality curate courses
  • ​You are interested in learning new skills every year
  • ​You want to stay in the know witj all things digital
  • ​You are looking to grow your career or business
  • ​You are looking for career advice
  • ​You are looking for potential job placement
  • ​You understand that investing in your education is important to your success
  • You start a project and finish it


  • ​You don’t want to be rewarded as you learn
  • ​You don’t want paid projects
  • ​You want to learn alone
  • ​You want tons of low quality courses
  • ​You don’t like contantly learning
  • ​You don’t want to keep with digital trends
  • ​You don’t want to grow your career or business
  • ​You don’t want career advice
  • ​You don’t want to job placement
  • ​You don’t want to invest in your education
  • ​You don’t commit to starting and finishing things


What is Growth Skills?

​Growth Skills is a social learning platform that teaches digital marketing skills to help you grow your career or business. Digital marketing is or craft and we give our Apprentices the ability to earn while they learn.

How can I Earn While I Learn?

There are three ways you can earn while you learn.

1. Apprenticeship: Unlock the Apprenticeship badge to become eligible for paid projects.

2. Job Placement: If you do well on the courses and pass our interview. We will help you find a job.

3. Earn Points: Earn points that you can use to pay for one off courses, resume help, tools and real world items.

Do you offer certifications?

​Yes Growth Skills provides printable and digital certifications for most courses.

What’s your favorite SEO Joke?

​Where is the best place to hide a dead body on the Internet? The second page of Google because no one will ever find it!

What is Growth Skills?

​Growth Skills is a social learning platform that teaches digital marketing skills to help you grow your career or business. Digital marketing is or craft and we give our Apprentices the ability to earn while they learn.

​​How can I Earn While I Learn?

There are three ways you can earn while you learn.

1. Apprenticeship: Unlock the Apprenticeship badge to become eligible for paid projects.

2. Job Placement: If you do well on the courses and pass our interview. We will help you find a job.

3. Earn Points: Earn points that you can use to pay for one off courses, resume help, tools and real world items.

​​What’s your favorite SEO Joke?

​Where is the best place to hide a dead body on the Internet? The second page of Google because no one will ever find it!

How much does a course cost?

  • Free: Some course are free.
  • Monthly: It cost $27 a month for all courses.
  • Yearly: $297 a year for all courses which gives you two months free.
  • Do you offer certifications?

    ​Yes Growth Skills provides printable and digital certifications for most courses.

    Do you do webinars?

    ​Yes we hold webinars on various topics from time to time. Check the blog to learn when the next one is happening.

    What is micro-learning?

    ​Micro learning are short 15-30 seconds videos that help you quickly understand a topic. This are free for members on the website. Sometimes we put them together to form more detailed free courses.

    Why does Growth Skills cost more than other sites like Lynda?

    ​Growth Skills focuses on helping you learn deep digital skills to grow your career and business. This means we take the time to cover topics in more detail and work with best in class instructors. We also offer mentorship to our members and connect you with a community of people who care about digital marketing as a craft and not just a means to a pay check.

    Is Growth Skills for Businesses?

  • Yes we have enterprise level accounts available.
  • We build custom courses to fit your business needs.
  • We provide employee report cards so that businesses can track who is actually taking the courses and learning.
  • Contact us to setup a business account.
  • Can I get a refund?

    ​Yes we offer a full refunds that can be redeemed for up to  30-days after you sign up.

    Do you do in person training?

    ​We think some people learn best in person so we do have free and paid in person group trainings. We post events on our blog. Members get good discounts on the paid events.

    Do you do coaching calls?

    ​Yes we do monthly coaching calls where you can ask questions and get mentorship and advice from our team.

    Do you work with schools?

    ​Yes we work with private, public, and charter schools. We service Middle Schools, High Schools and Colleges.

    ​​Do you have an affiliate program?

    ​Yes we have an affiliate program that allows members to make monthly income based on people that sign up as their referrals.

    Ready to Grow Your Skills?

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